Outsourcing of accounting and reporting
Bookkeeping in accordance with Polish Accounting Standards, IAS/IFRS.
Financial statements preparation
Preparation of financial statements in accordance with applicable laws, national accounting standards and international accounting standards.
Determination of public law liabilities
Determination of public law liabilities and preparation of tax returns.
Inspection bodies and auditors services
Service the inspection bodies and auditors carrying out reviews and audits of the financial statements.
Electronic document flow
Electronic document flow, including: - circulation and acceptance of invoices, - business trips and delegations settlements.
Verification of tax settlement security
Verification of tax settlements security in the scope of current regulations.
Representing the taxpayer in tax office
Representing the taxpayer before the Tax Office and Statistical Office in the scope of granted powers of attorney.
INTRASTAT declarations services
INTRASTAT is associated with the obligation to submit monthly declarations on trade between Member States of the European Union. This obligation applies to companies that are registered VAT payers and exceed statistical thresholds in their trade with EU countries, determined annually by the Central Statistical Office. BSS scope of services:
- Tariff setting of received documents required to prepare a statistical report
- Tarriffication of goods from sales and purchase invoices and preparation of declaration
- Filling monthly, collective declarations to the appropriate customs office by a tax advisor
- Representation of Client’s company before the customs authorities regarding INTRASTAT declarations.